患者,女,49岁。因右胸疼痛伴干咳2个月余,于1990年2月1日入院。经纤维支气管镜、胸片加断层片诊断为右上肺中央型肺癌并右肺门转移,住院后右胸部出现肿块,病理活检组织学为鳞状细胞癌Ⅱ级。病者入院后给予维生素(B_1、B_6、C)、咳必清、红霉素口服,青、链霉素肌注,3d后仍有低热,停用青、链及红霉素和咳必清,开始行放疗。放疗后第5d,患者下午体温达39℃,暂停放疗,使用广谱抗菌素(红霉素、强力霉素),氢化可的松,4 d后体温回降至大致正常,继续行CO~(?)放射治疗。于4月16日开始用平阳霉素10mg肌注,肌注后当晚患者诉双膝关节持续性灼热麻痛,给消炎痛25mg口服,隔4 h又给去痛片0.5,安定5mg口服,2h后未见好转,膝关节仍呈持续性刀割样麻痛。经用安痛定2ml肌注后缓解。2d后第2次用平阳霉素肌注,当晚又有上述症状,并发高热40.3℃,经用安痛定2ml
Patient, female, 49 years old. Due to right chest pain with dry cough more than 2 months, in February 1, 1990 admission. Bronchoscopy, chest radiograph and tomography were diagnosed as right upper lung central lung cancer and right lung hilar metastasis. After the hospitalization, the right chest appeared lumps, and histopathological examination was grade Ⅱ squamous cell carcinoma. After admission, the patients were given vitamins (B_1, B_6, C), Cough, erythromycin orally, and streptomycin, intramuscular injection of streptomycin. After 3 days, they still had hypothermia. They stopped using cyanine, erythromycin, . On the 5th day after radiotherapy, the temperature of the patients reached 39 ℃ in the afternoon, and the radiotherapy was suspended. The broad-spectrum antibiotics (erythromycin, doxycycline) and hydrocortisone were used. After 4 days, the body temperature returned to roughly normal, )Radiation Therapy. On April 16 began with Pingyangmycin 10mg intramuscular injection, the night after intramuscular injection of patients with persistent knee joint hot numbness, to indomethacin 25mg orally, every 4h and then to pain tablets 0.5, 5mg oral stability, 2h After no improvement, the knee was still persistent knife-like numbness. After relieved by analgesic 2ml intramuscular injection. 2d after the second Pingyangmycin intramuscular injection, the night the above symptoms, complicated by fever 40.3 ℃, the use of analgesic 2ml