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长久以来,语文课堂总是一成不变。给人的感觉是语文课堂就是思想品德课,说到基础知识,语文教学就是样板戏;语文课改,如同“脑筋急转弯”;语文要有审美性,那就朗读一下……说实话,在语文教学岗位上见识了太多的墨守成规,见识了太多的矫情造作,见识了太多的因循守旧,感觉到习惯于推阵出新,自己总是与现实不够合拍,跟不上形势。 For a long time, the language class has always remained the same. Give people the feeling is that the language class is the ideological and moral lessons, when it comes to basic knowledge, Chinese teaching is a model drama; Chinese curriculum reform, as “a brain teasement ”; Chinese should have aesthetics, then read aloud ... to be honest , Saw too much sticking to the rules in the teaching of Chinese, witnessed too much hypocritical, met too many conservative, feel accustomed to push out new herself, always with the reality is not enough, keep up with the situation.