在人们返朴归真开始崇尚天然的今天,新鲜、无污染的野菜渐受到人们的青睐而走上餐桌。目前,野菜身价倍增,吃“野”成了我国各地食品消费的新时尚。 我国野菜种类多达300余种,常见的、营养成分高的就有100余种。生长在田野山区的野菜,由于自然生长未经人工栽培,没有农药污染,为人们提供取之不尽的可食菜肴,丰富和调节人们的生活和饮食。 如今,我国市场上野菜品种繁多,常见有:叶菜类包括薇菜、蕨菜、香椿、黄连木等;茎菜类:山芹菜、野豌豆、土当归等;根菜类:山竹笋、土茯苓、大
Nowadays, people are favored by fresh and pollution-free wild plants, and they have embarked on the dinner table. At present, the price of wild vegetables has doubled and “wildness” has become a new fashion of food consumption all over China. There are more than 300 species of wild plants in our country, and there are more than 100 kinds of common nutrients with high levels of nutrients. Wild herbs growing in the mountains and mountains are naturally cultivated and cultivated without pesticide pollution, providing people with inexhaustible edible dishes that enrich and regulate people’s lives and diets. Nowadays, there are many kinds of wild vegetables on the market in our country. Common are: leafy vegetables such as Osmanthus, Bracken, Toon, Pistacia chinensis, etc .; Stem vegetables: mountain celery, wild pea, ,Big