峡江岸边的石头在江水的怒吼和纤夫的呐喊声中,演绎出了具有强烈震撼力的纤夫石。 纤夫石,是长江西陵峡中的绝石。西陵峡在长江三峡中以险著称。峡中乱石林立,礁石密布,险滩环生。滔滔江水,从峡中奔流而过,天堑便这样产生,纤夫石也便这样脱出。 纤夫石最初植入我的记忆中是在我小时侯的一个夏日。那天,我随母亲从香溪河畔看望父亲后,在古城脚下码头上乘坐一只帆船回家。帆船首尾高高翘起,一张鼓起的巨帆,将我们送过波涛汹涌的九龙奔江,然后在船工摇橹的号子声中,徐徐上行。帆船艰难地行驶,江水涛声渐渐淹没了船工的吼叫声。这时,艄公一声呐喊,船工和乘船的汉子们跳下帆船,扛起用竹篦编织的
The stones on the banks of the Xiajiang River, in the roar of the river and the screams of the trackers, deduce the sculptor with a strong force. FIBU stone, is the master of the Xiling Gorge in the Yangtze River. Xiling Gorge in the Three Gorges in the Yangtze River is known for its insurance. Gap in the stands, reefs, risky beaches. Surging river, from the gorge in the stream, moat it so produced, Fibre stone so out. Fischer stone was first implanted into my memory in a summer of my childhood. On that day, after my mother visited my father on the banks of the Xiang River, I took a sailing boat home at the foot of the ancient city. Sailing tall and tipped up, a mustered giant sail, we sent through the choppy Kowloon-Benjiang, and then in the ship’s whistling sound slowly upward. Sailing difficult driving, the waves gradually flooded the boatman’s roar. At this time, the public shouted loudly, boatman and boat man jumped off the sailing boat, carrying a woven with bamboo grate