CNPC Work Report for 2001

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macgrady333
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Review of “Ninth Five-Plan”and 2000Greet progress in oil exploration with crudeproduction rising steadily The newly additional proven oil inplace is 2.44 billion tons in the NinthFive-Year Plan period, 18.4 percent upfrom the Eighth Five-Year Plan period. Review of “Ninth Five-Plan” and 2000Greet progress in oil exploration with crudeproduction rising steadily The newly additional proven oil inplace is 2.44 billion tons in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, 18.4 percent upfrom the Eighth Five-Year Plan period.
加拿大威顿 (Wylton)国际贸易公司在贵州福泉投资 1.0 3亿元 ( 12 0 0万 )建年产 4 0万吨硫酸厂 ,计划于 2 0 0 2年下半年建成。现已与中国宏福工贸开发公司达成协议 ,投产后硫酸全
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