一、谢冰莹与魏中天的深厚友谊 香港中国文化馆创始人、总编辑魏中天先生把谢冰莹写给他的一束信函交给我,嘱我为之整理作注并编辑成书。我自然乐意从命。因为谢冰莹是我久仰的现代著名女作家,她的不凡经历、反帝反封建的斗争精神以及辉煌的文学业绩,一向是我所钦佩的。而魏中天,则是我神交已久的忘年老友,在长期鱼雁往来和共同为《我的母亲》丛刊工作的过程中,彼此早已心驰神往,相知颇深。然而更为主要的是,谢冰莹与魏中天不但相交长达七十余年,而且历经曲折坎坷、聚散离合,始终保持着真诚而深厚的友情,诚属极为难得;而他们相交之七十余年,又正值神州大地风云激荡、起伏多变的年代,所以他们的友谊,又在一定程度上折射出时代和社会的丰富色彩。
I. Deep friendship between Xie Bingying and Wei Zhongtian Mr. Wei Zhongtian, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Hong Kong Chinese Culture Center, handed me a letter from Xie Bingying to him and instructed me to make a note and edit it into a book. I am naturally happy from life. Because Xie Bingying is a modern well-known female writer whom I have long admired. Her extraordinary experience, the spirit of struggle against imperialism and feudalism and her brilliant literary achievements have always been admired by me. While Wei Zhongtian is a long-forgotten old friend of mine, he has long been fascinated and deeply acquainted with each other in the long-term cooperation and cooperation between the geese and the geese. More importantly, however, Xie Bingying and Wei Zhongtian not only met for more than seventy years, but also maintained a sincere and profound friendship through ups and downs in twists and turns. , But also coincided with the turmoil in the vast land of China and the ups and downs of changing times. Their friendship, to a certain extent, reflects the rich colors of the times and society.