针对安钢2 200 m3高炉喷煤系统投产后,喷煤系统喷吹能力不足、瞬时喷吹量波动较大等的问题进行了系统分析与设备改造,取得较显著的成效。喷吹能力由原来的20 t/h提高到45 t/h以上,瞬时煤量波动由原来的1 t/h稳定在300 kg/h以下,并依此指导了后期投产的2 800 m3高炉喷煤系统的设计,使得2 800 m3高炉的喷煤按计划顺利投产并达到设计指标。
Aiming at the problems of the coal injection system of 2 200 m3 BF in Angang put into operation, the insufficiency of injection capacity of injection coal system and the fluctuation of instantaneous injection quantity are analyzed systematically and the equipment is reformed to obtain more remarkable results. The injection capacity was increased from 20 t / h to over 45 t / h. The fluctuation of instantaneous coal volume was stabilized at 300 kg / h from the original 1 t / h, which guided the production of 2 800 m3 blast furnace spray Coal system design, making 2 800 m3 blast furnace coal injection according to plan successfully put into production and reach the design targets.