Objective To isolate and identify meningococci and to identify the serogroups in order to provide a scientific basis for the prevention of meningococcal disease in Fujian Province. Methods The strains were identified by routine culture and PCR. Drug susceptibility test was performed by Etest method. The serum of patients was detected by ELISA. Results Three cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive and two were positive. The isolates were identified as Neisseria meningitides serogroup C (Nm) from 2007-5 and 2007-23, respectively. The CrgA and SiaD (C) genes were detected by PCR All were positive. One culture negative (sample number 2007-4), but the PCR detection CrgA gene and SiaD (C) gene were positive. Case 1 and case 2 double serum meningitis group C antibody titers were 1: 320, showed a 4-fold increase. The two strains were sensitive to cefotaxime, cefotaxime, rifampin and other six kinds of antimicrobial agents are sensitive, but highly resistant to sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin also resistant. Conclusion Three cases of meningitis in Fujian Province in 2007 were all caused by Group C meningococci. The province encephalopathy etiology new changes occur, that coexist A and C groups. Fujian meningitis cases preferred treatment of cephalosporins, rifampicin and other sensitive antibiotics, sulfamethoxazole is not suitable to continue as a treatment and prevention of drugs.