2009年是大丰沿海开发和大丰港建设的机遇之年、跨越之年。面对长三角区域经济一体化和江苏省沿海开发上升为国家战略的重大机遇,大丰港作为江苏省沿海开发的重要节点和盐城市沿海开发的主战场、先行区,理应在新一轮沿海大开发中,抢抓机遇,争先当强,勇当全省沿海开发排头兵。1 突出港口工程,扩大港口规模港口是带动沿海开发的龙头和引擎,必须始终坚持把港口建设作为沿海开发的龙头工程来抓。大丰港将围绕“2011年,大丰港建成万吨级以上泊位10个,形成年吞吐2 000万t散杂货、10万TEU能力”的目标,全力加快港口建设,迅速扩大港口规模,提升港口形象。
2009 is the year of opportunity for Dafeng coastal development and the construction of Dafeng Port, spanning the year. Faced with the major economic opportunities brought by the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and Jiangsu’s coastal development into a national strategy, Dafeng Port, as an important node in the coastal development of Jiangsu Province and the main battlefield and pilot area along Yancheng’s coastal development, Large-scale development, seize the opportunity to become the first to be strong, courageous pioneer in coastal development in the province. 1 Highlight the port project and expand the port scale Ports are the leading and engine of coastal development. We must always adhere to the port construction as the leading project of coastal development. Dafeng Port will focus on “In 2011, Dafeng Port built ten berths with a capacity of over ten thousand tons and formed a goal of handling 20 million tons of bulk groceries annually with a capacity of 100,000 TEU”. It will speed up port construction and rapidly expand the port scale , Enhance the port image.