一 汽车新技术的发展引发了后市场的变革 进入21世纪,汽车技术随着社会的进步日新月异,从整车技术来看,由于大量的使用微电脑技术,汽车具备了很多自动化功能,极大地提高了汽车的动力性、操纵性、舒适性及安全性。 仅就汽车发动机而言,为了满足日益严格的排放标准,汽车燃油喷射(EFI)和电子点火技术几乎已完全取代了传统的化油器和分电器;汽油机缸内直喷技术(CDI)是继电喷技术后的又一重大成果;还有如可变配气相位、可变压缩比、可变
The development of a car new technology triggered the market after the change Enter the 21st century, automotive technology with the progress of society with each passing day, from the vehicle technology point of view, due to the large use of microcomputer technology, the car has a lot of automation features, greatly improved Motor vehicle power, maneuverability, comfort and safety. In terms of automotive engines, to meet the increasingly stringent emission standards, automotive fuel injection (EFI) and electronic ignition technology have almost completely replaced the traditional carburetor and distributor; gasoline direct injection (CDI) is the second Another major achievement after EFI technology; there are such as variable valve timing, variable compression ratio, variable