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在初中各个学科的教学中,数学这门学科是对学生的逻辑思维能力以及抽象思维能力锻炼效果最好的一门学科,但是对于初中生来说,由于其心智水平发育的程度有限,对于数学的学习都不是很感兴趣,成绩自然也就不是很理想,这样的情况在初中数学教学过程中已经存在了较长时间,很多教师也都为此采取过众多的措施来提高学生的数学成绩,但是收效都不是很好。这是因为教师没有注意到学生成绩不理想的根本原因所在,学生学习兴趣的低下才是导致学生成绩不理想的根本原因。 In the teaching of various disciplines in junior high school, the discipline of mathematics is a discipline that has the best effect on students’ logical thinking ability and abstract thinking ability. However, for junior high school students, because of the limited extent of their mental development, The study is not very interesting and the results are not ideal. This situation has already existed for a long time in the teaching of junior middle school mathematics. Many teachers have taken numerous measures to improve students’ mathematics achievement. But the results are not very good. This is because teachers do not notice the underlying causes of unsatisfactory student achievement. The low learning interest of students is the fundamental reason that results in unsatisfactory student achievement.
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对于古典学派社会学家来说,传统与现代社会的关键不同在于现代社会有一个可以控制全国领域的正式的法律体系。法律是必须的,是某种自然状态下社会规则的转变。 For classica
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小明是个魔术高手,今天他又在为大家表演魔术.小明:“大家任意想一个数,不要告诉我是多少,接着我们按以下步骤计算.一、用a乘你想的数;二、加上b;三、除以c;四、减去 Xiao M
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