本栏目本期特邀东北农业大学园艺学院保护地蔬菜专家陈友教授 ,就目前北方地区 ,棚室蔬菜生产中所强调的生态防治问题 ,向读者做以解答。陈友教授 5 0年代毕业于沈阳农学院 ,从教 4 0余年 ,在设施园艺栽培中积累了丰富经验 ,广大读者如在各自的生产中 ,遇到棘手问题 ,可直接于陈友教授联系 ,联系电话 :0 4 5 1-5 390 6 36 注 :午休时间勿打扰
This column invited the Northeast Agricultural University horticultural college vegetable experts Professor Chen You, on the current northern region, greenhouse vegetable production stressed the issue of ecological control, to the readers to answer. Professor Chen You graduated from Shenyang Agricultural College in the 1950s and taught more than 40 years of experience in the field of gardening and gardening. Many readers, if they encounter difficult problems in their own production, can contact Professor Chen You directly Tel: 0 4 5 1-5 390 6 36 Note: Do not disturb during lunch break