自主择业军转干部管理服务工作系列讨论之2 给自主择业党员一个“家”

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告别军营,也意味着要离开军队党组织的怀抱,为自己找一个新“家”。与计划分配军转干部不同的是,自主择业军转干部转业后去向不一,因而,他们的党组织关系也去向各异:他们有的把组织关系转到工作所在单位,让自己融入了新的集体;有的成立了自主择业军转干部党支部。和战友们一同过起了组织生活;有的组织关系转移到社区,与社区其他党员一同参加组织生活;也有的党组织关系未曾接转,成为“口袋党员”……自主择业军转干部绝大多数都是老党员,有很高的政治觉悟,在部队定期过组织生活。到了地方以后, Bidding farewell to the barracks also means leaving the arms of the military party organizations and finding a new “home” for themselves. Different from plans to allocate military cadres to cadres, the change of their careers to cadres after their own careers has changed their positions and therefore their party-to-party relations have also gone from one direction to another: some have shifted their organizational relations to the place where they work and have themselves integrated into new ones Of the collective; some set up their own career cadre party branches. And the comrades-fosters played an active part in organizing life; some of the organizational relations were transferred to the community and participated in the organization of life with other members of the community; and some of the party-organization relations were not transferred but became “pocket members” The overwhelming majority are all veteran Party members with a high degree of political consciousness, and they regularly organize their lives in the army. After arriving at the place,
从教近二十载,最耳熟的话,莫过于家长与教师的一句口头禅: “这孩子(学生)不珍惜时间。”确实,不要说普通中学,即便省一级重点,亦不乏浪费时间的现象。于是乎,望子(生)成龙
One day,a dog saw the skin(皮)of a lion in the garden;she began to tear it in pieces with her teeth.A fox,seeing her,said,“If this lion were alive(活着),you wo