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所渭镁质事件,是指镁硅质石陨石陨落事件。镁的克拉克值为1.94%,是地球上极常见的造岩元素之一,主要分布在超基性岩和镁质碳酸盐岩中。菱镁矿矿床和滑石矿床与上述两类岩石关系密切,关于镁质来源和矿床成因问题,众说纷云,归纳起来,郡属于“地因说”范筹。我国菱镁矿和滑石资源十分丰富,菱镁矿矿床和滑石矿床,主要集中在辽南,形成一个镁质集中区。关于镁质来源问题,笔者认为与旱元古代镁质事件有关。这次镁质事件不仅为辽南带来大量的镁质和硅质,也带来大量的能量,这就为成岩和成矿奠定了牢固的基础。这种将成岩成矿作用与天体陨落作用有机地联系起来的认识,简称为“陨落说”。如果能用“陨落说”去解释地壳上的一些现象,不仅对辽南的菱镁矿矿床和滑石矿床的成因,能得到切合实际的认识,而且对于具有全球性分布的菱镁矿矿床和滑石矿床的成因,也能得出恰当的解释。从而可以消除一些不必要的争论,加快地质理论的更新,促进找矿事业的发展。 The magnesian events, refers to the magnesiite meteorite fall event. Magnesium has a Clarke value of 1.94%, and is one of the most common rock-forming elements on earth, mainly in ultrabasic rocks and magnesian carbonate rocks. Magnesite deposits and talc deposits are closely related to the above two types of rocks. As for the origin of magnesia and the genesis of the deposit, numerous discussions have been made about them. In sum, the county belongs to the “ground cause” theory. Magnesite and talc resources in our country are very rich, magnesite deposits and talc deposits, mainly in southern Liaoning, forming a magnesian concentration area. On the issue of the source of magnesia, I believe that with the dry element of ancient magnesium events. The magmatic event not only brought a lot of magnesia and siliceous materials to Liaonan, but also brought a lot of energy, which laid a solid foundation for diagenesis and mineralization. This will be diagenetic mineralization and the role of celestial bodies fall organically linked to recognition, referred to as “fall said.” If we can explain some phenomena on the earth’s crust by “Falling-Out Theory”, we can not only get a realistic understanding of the causes of the magnesite deposit and talc deposit in southern Liaoning, but also provide a practical understanding for the distribution of magnesite deposits and talc with global distribution The origin of the deposit can also be given an appropriate explanation. Which can eliminate some unnecessary controversy, accelerate the update of geological theory and promote the development of prospecting.
由承德钢铁厂起草,河北省冶金厅提出的高强度热轧(新Ⅲ级)变形钢筋 DB/1300H44 1-87地方标准于1987年6月开始在承德钢厂采用,目前正在转产推广使用,以积累数据和实物认证工
42—1 下图中1、2两条曲线表示的是低碳钢和高强钢的应力——变形曲线的形状。请指出哪一条是低碳钢。其次是从下列词语中选出,并用代号回答A、A'、B、c、C'、D、D'、G、G'各表
一、气割椭圆接两半圆对称孔 1.解题要领 (1)应首先看懂、弄清图面的技术条件。 (2)分清各技术条件的评分标准,以利于抓住重点——椭圆的对称度和垂直度。 2.解题工艺步骤 (
中国机械工程学会焊接学会安全与卫生专业委员会定于今年下半年召开第二届学术会议,并同时举办与焊接安全和卫生直接相关的新器材展销会。欢迎焊 China Mechanical Enginee