历史的跨越 辉煌的成就——许昌市邮电事业回顾

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进入“八五”以来,我市邮电通信能力、技术装备、服务水平和业务发展都超过了历史最好水平。提前一年实现了“八五”邮电通信发展主要目标。提前六年实现了邮电部制定的到“2000年邮电主要通信能力和经济技术指标在1980年的基础上翻三番”的目标。成为90年代全市国民经济各部门中发展最快的产业之一。“八五”期间,我市邮电部门针对通信落后,能力不足,不能适应社会主义市场经济的发展和社会各界对通信需求这一突出矛盾,集中主要精力。采取积极措施,加快了邮电通信建设步伐,进一步增强了通信能力。邮政方面,全市邮政生产用房净增5663平方米,邮路总长度净增224公里。邮运汽车净增29辆,1994年10月以来。先后开通了许昌——禹州、许昌——长葛、许 Since entering the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, the city’s post and telecommunications communications capabilities, technical equipment, service levels and business development have exceeded the best in history. One year ahead of schedule, the main goal of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” post and telecommunications development has been achieved. Six years in advance, the goal set by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to the goal of “triumphing the main telecommunication capabilities and economic and technological indicators of telecommunications in 2000 on the basis of 1980” was achieved six years in advance. It became one of the fastest growing industries in all sectors of the national economy in the city in the 1990s. During the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, the municipality’s post and telecommunications department focused on the outstanding contradictions and concentrated their energies on the development of the socialist market economy and the communication needs of all sectors of the community in response to the backward communications and inadequate capabilities. Take active measures to speed up the pace of post and telecommunications construction, and further enhance the communication capabilities. Post, the city’s postal production space net increase of 5663 square meters, the total length of 224 km. Net increase of 29 postal vehicles, since October 1994. Xuchang has opened - Yuzhou, Xuchang - Changge, Xu
中学毕业后,未满18岁的比尔·盖茨来到了向往的哈佛大学。但一年后他毅然离开哈佛,去开创令他痴迷的计算机事业。20多年后,他成为世界顶尖富豪。 After graduating from hig
摘要:学生普遍反映喜欢上思想品德课,但最头疼思品考试,特别是客观题难答,很多学生觉得无从下手,或洋洋洒洒牛头不对马嘴,或乱说一气不得要领。那么到底答思品题有无章法可循呢?笔者结合二十几年的教学经验,现就初中思品客观性试题答题方法作一个简单归类。  关键词:社会热点;关键词;多角度;规范  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)039-1一、意义类  “意义类”