儿童保健工作是以提高儿童的健康水平和人口素质为目标的一项社会性较强、涉及面较广的工作。当前,开展农村散居儿童系统保健要抓哪些主要环节,才能收到更好的社会效益呢?我们的体会是: 1.做好儿童保健的基础工作对“表面上健康”的儿童,根据其年龄发育的特点,定期进行健康体检,是儿童保健的基础工作,它可以区分健康(没有缺点或仅有缺点者)和非健康(查出疾病或同时有疾病、缺点者)儿童,了解和评价小儿生长发育及营养状况,做到有病早治,无病早防,动态和系统地观察儿童生长发育和健康状况。作为农村儿保工作者,要从全心全意为人民服务的高度,注
Child health care work is a more social and comprehensive work aimed at improving children’s health and population quality. At present, what are the major social and social benefits to be given to the systematic care of rural children who live in diaspora? Our experience is: 1. Basic work on child health Care for “seemingly healthy” children, according to their age The characteristics of development, regular physical examination, is the basic work of child health care, it can distinguish between healthy (no shortcomings or shortcomings) and non-health (detected disease or both diseases, shortcomings) children, understanding and evaluation of children Growth and development and nutritional status, so that sick and early treatment, disease prevention and early prevention, dynamic and systematic observation of child growth and development and health status. As rural child protection workers, from the height of serving the people wholeheartedly, note