学习梁雨润同志先进事迹 做“三个代表”重要思想的忠实实践者

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连日来,梁雨润,这个响亮的名字在广大纪检监察干部中广为传诵;“百姓书记”,这个发自老百姓内心深处的称呼不断地震撼着人们的心灵。作为新时期的纪检监察干部,梁雨润同志以一名共产党员坚贞的信仰和对党和人民的无比忠诚,以对人民群众深深的爱和对腐败分子切齿的恨,谱写了一曲心系群众、执政为民的公仆颂歌,在人民群众心中为党和政府镌刻了一座巍巍丰碑。他是纪检监察战线努力实践“三个代表”重要思想、身体力行全心全意为人民服务宗旨的先进典型,是敢于同腐败现象和邪恶势力作坚决斗争的忠诚卫士,是听民声、理民事、解民难的优秀党员领导干部。2003年12月18日,中央纪委、监察部发出通知,号召全国各级纪检监察机关和广大纪检监察干部向梁雨润同志学习。为使广大读者能深入了解梁雨润,本期特刊发2003年10月28日中共山西省委举行的“梁雨润同志先进事迹报告会”的有关报告材料,供大家学习。其中既有梁雨润同志本人的汇报发言,也有与梁雨润同志共事多年的战友、同事所做的深情回忆,还有那些亲身得到过梁雨润同志帮助的普通村民的感人叙述,每一份报告都感人至深,催人奋进。请看他们的肺腑之言: In recent days, Liang Yurun, the loud name of the vast number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres in the widely read; “people secretary”, which originated from the hearts of ordinary people continue to shook people's hearts. As a cadre of discipline inspection and supervision in the new era, Comrade Liang Yurun has complimented one heartfelt mind with the faith of a member of the Communists and his loyalty to the party and the people, their deep love for the masses of the people and his hatred of corrupt elements , The carols of the public servants who serve the people, engraved a towering monument to the party and the government in the hearts of the masses of the people. He is an advanced model at the discipline inspection and supervision front and in striving to practice the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' serving the people wholeheartedly for serving the people, a loyal guard who dares to fight resolutely against corrupt phenomena and evil forces, listens to the people's voice, Difficult outstanding party members and leading cadres. On December 18, 2003, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Supervision issued a circular calling on the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels and the general discipline inspection and supervision cadres to learn from Comrade Liang Yurun. In order to enable readers to understand Liang Yurun deeply, this special issue will be published on October 28, 2003 by the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee, “Comrade Liang Yurun advanced deeds report,” the relevant reporting materials for everyone to learn. Among them are Comrade Liang Yurun's own report, his comrade-in-arms with colleagues of Comrade Liang Yurun and his colleagues, and the moving stories of ordinary villagers who have personally been assisted by Comrade Liang Yurun. Every report is deeply touched , Inspiring. Please look at their heartfelt words:
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向文波 三一集团执行总裁  1962年出生于湖南沅江。  1991年进入三一重工,先后主管生产,营销业务。  2004年成为三一重工股份有限执行总裁。  2006年在博客上展开了有关收购徐工的“产业安全”博客大战。  人类因梦想而伟大。理想最重要,一个人能成多大的事情,和你的胸怀有极大的关系。理想是目标、是动力,也是成就事业的条件。    理想·平台·机会    我不想做官,就想做事。  1985