澳大利亚悉尼消息:悉尼大学的生物化学家发现大脑内一种天然产生的化合物比苯二氯类缓解紧张和焦虑更有效。悉尼大学的神经化学教授Graham John-ston最近在这里召开的澳大利亚和新西兰科学促进协会年会上宣布了这则消息。根据这一发现制成的一种抗紧张药可能价值数十亿美元。该药比目前在临床试用的第二代苯二氮类药物效力高1000倍。 Johnston等认为这项进展是由于发现皮质醇作用的结果。过去曾认为肾上腺素是唯一的紧张激素,但现在已清楚肾上腺分泌的皮质醇
SYDNEY, Australia - Biochemists at the University of Sydney have found that a naturally occurring compound in the brain is more effective than phenylene chloride in relieving tension and anxiety. Graham John-ston, professor of neurochemistry at the University of Sydney, announced the announcement here at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science in Australia and New Zealand here. An anti-stress drug made on the basis of this finding could be worth billions of dollars. The drug is 1000 times more potent than the second-generation benzodiazepine currently in clinical trials. Johnston and other that the progress is due to the discovery of the role of cortisol. Adrenaline was once thought to be the only stress hormone, but it is now clear that cortisol secreted by the adrenal gland