《中国少年报》已经有44年的悠久历史了,它是中国少年先锋队的第一张全国性队报。 《中国少年报》44年来的发展历史告诉我们,一张报纸要想经得起历史的考验必须不断满足时代育人的需求、少年儿童成长的需求、家长教子的需求,充分发挥它的服务功能。 本文将对这三大需求作一些具体的论述。 一、满足时代育人的需求 一百多年前,梁启超先生讲过一句话:“少年强则国强。”少年儿童的状态如何?将直接关系到我们
China Youth Daily has a long history of 44 years. It is the first national team newspaper for China’s young vanguard team. The development history of the “China Youth Daily” over the past 44 years tells us that in order to withstand the test of history, a newspaper must constantly meet the needs of educating people in the times, the needs of children and young children, the needs of parents and children, and give full play to their service functions . This article will make some specific expositions on these three major needs. First, to meet the needs of educating people in the era More than a hundred years ago, Mr. Liang Qichao said something: “Young and strong are strong.” What is the status of children and teenagers? It will have a direct bearing on us