实施技术创新工程 实现“追赶型”、“跨越式”发展的思考

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江泽民同志在全国技术创新大会的讲话中指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”“全面实施科教兴国战略,大力推动科技进步,加强科技创新,是事关祖国富强和民族振兴的大事。创新精神和创新机制是决定经济、科技和社会发展的极为重要的因素。”科技创新主要包括知识创新、体制创新、技术创新等方面。技术创新是指企业应用创新的知识和新技术、新工艺,采用新的生产方式和经营管理模式,提高产品质量,开发生产新的产品,提供新的服务,占据市场并实现市场价值。技术创新是发展高科技,实现产业化的重要前提。 In his speech at the National Technology Innovation Conference, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress and an inexhaustible motive force for the country’s prosperity and development.” “It is all about implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and technology, vigorously promoting scientific and technological progress and strengthening scientific and technological innovation The prosperity of our motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation.Development spirit and innovation mechanism are extremely important factors that determine economic, technological and social development. ”Science and technology innovation mainly includes knowledge innovation, system innovation and technology innovation. Technological innovation refers to the application of innovative knowledge and new technologies, new technologies, new production methods and management models, improve product quality, develop and produce new products, provide new services, occupy the market and achieve market value. Technological innovation is an important prerequisite for developing high technology and realizing industrialization.
▲最先夺得游泳金牌的运动员是匈牙利的阿·哈约什。他在1896年第1届奥运会上首夺男子100米自由游泳冠军,成绩为1′22″2。 ▲最先夺得游泳金牌的女选手是澳大利亚的法&#
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