“我死死拽着他说,要逃就两个一起逃,要死就死在一起……当我们再也无力往下走,老爷子快昏迷不醒时,消防队员出现了……”这是“11·15”之后,在各大媒体广为流传的一篇《74岁老人与老伴在火灾中生死相依》的通讯报道,故事的主人公是家住胶州路728号1 705室的陈剑秋和老伴顾豪。当我们聚焦在陈大妈和老伴之间不离不弃的亲情时,陈大妈却一直在寻找故事中的另一个主角:及时出现的消防员。今年年初,当我们在安置点采访陈大妈的火场逃生故事时,陈大妈千叮万嘱希望我们帮助她找到救命恩人。
“I dragged him dead, saying that to escape the two together to escape, die to die together ... ... When we are powerless to go down, Father unconsciously fast, the firefighters appeared ... ” This After “11.15”, a widely circulated report in the major media that “the 74-year-old man and his wife are dependent on each other in a fire” reported that the hero of the story is Chen Jianqiu, who lives in Room 1 705 at 728 Jiaozhou Road. And his wife Gu Hao. When we focus on the affectionate relationship between Aunt Chan and his wife, Aunt Chan has been looking for another protagonist in the story: a timely firefighter. Earlier this year, when we interviewed Aunt Chan’s fire escape story at a resettlement site, Aunt Chan told us to help us find a benefactor.