日前,Case工程机械发布6种全新的组合式推雪铲。公司表示,这个设计是为了帮助运营商节省每个环节的时间。推雪铲选用Hardox 450钢制铲刀,由可以独立移动的犁板组成,以适应不平路面或障碍。这种设计还允许推雪铲的前端“跳”过障碍物,以防止设备损坏,同时帮助减少财产损失的事情发生。如果推雪铲某一部分损坏,可以只更换破损部分而不是整个附件。专用于挖掘装载机、滑移装载机和小型履带式
Recently, Case Construction Machinery released six new combined snow blade. The company said the design is designed to help operators save time for each session. Snow blades are made of Hardox 450 steel blades and consist of independently movable plows to accommodate uneven surfaces or obstacles. This design also allows the front of the snow shovel to “jump” over obstacles to prevent damage to the equipment while helping to reduce property damage. If a part of the snow blade is damaged, you can replace only the damaged part instead of the entire attachment. Dedicated to backhoe loaders, skid steer loaders and small crawlers