患者男性,20岁,司机,住院号:140388。以咳嗽20 d、胸闷、胸疼5 d 为主诉于2004年12月11日入院。入院前20 d无明显诱因出现阵发性、非刺激性咳嗽,咳少量白色黏液痰。5 d 前开始右胸痛、咳嗽、深呼吸时加剧。患病以来偶有午后低热,夜间盗汗。入院前两天就诊于当地县医院摄胸片诊断为“右胸腔积液”。患病以来大小便正常、睡眠差、食欲下降。以往身体健康。入院体检:T 36.6℃,P 108次/min,R
Patient male, 20 years old, driver, hospital number: 140388. To cough 20 d, chest tightness, chest pain 5 d chief complaint on December 11, 2004 admission. 20 d before admission no obvious incentive to paroxysmal, non-irritating cough, cough, a small amount of white mucus sputum. Begin right chest pain, cough and exacerbate deep breathing on day 5 d. Occasional afternoon fever, night sweats. Two days before admission, she was diagnosed with “right pleural effusion” at the local county hospital. Since the illness normal urine, poor sleep, loss of appetite. In the past, good health. Admission examination: T 36.6 ℃, P 108 times / min, R