近日,在深圳市经济发展局、科技局、财政局、国税局和地税局等5个市局政府部门联合下达的“2000年深圳市重点新产品享受财政补助项目”的通知中,深圳宝德科技开发有限公司的“PowerLeader 高性能机架式互联网服务器”作为惟一的PC服务器代表新产品,通过了5个部门的联合审查和专家论证,成为深圳市2001~2002年度享受财政补助的重点支持项目,享受深圳市财政局在今年预算安排的财政补助。
Recently, in Shenzhen City Economic Development Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau, Finance Bureau, State Taxation Bureau and Local Taxation Bureau and other five municipal government departments jointly issued a “2000 Shenzhen key new products to enjoy financial subsidies” notice, Shenzhen Baode Technology Development Co., Ltd.’s “PowerLeader High Performance Rack Internet Server” is the only PC server that represents new products. It has passed joint review and expert argumentation from five departments, and has become a financial subsidy in Shenzhen for 2001-2002. The focus of the support program is to enjoy the financial subsidy arranged by the Finance Bureau of Shenzhen City this year.