To clarify the abnormal colonic motility mechanism of gastrointestinal diseases such as chronic colitis, 12 healthy volunteers of patients with digestive diseases and control group were swallowed 200 mL after 12 h of fasting and photographed supine abdominal X Line photos, reading films were observed in each segment of the colon filling and emptying of the barium, measuring the length of the intestine, transverse diameter, number and depth of intestinal pocket for statistical data. Found that chronic colitis (ChronicColitis, CC) most patients with stool rotten or constipation diarrhea, the stool difficult to understand or pain and other stool behavior change symptoms are common. Colonic X-ray showed that CC patients with smaller transverse diameter of the colon, intestinal bags decreased, abnormal barium faster emptying. Abnormal X-ray of the colon can explain part of the pathophysiological mechanisms of patients with stool pulpy and diarrhea, pain and other symptoms, and can be used as a kinetic index to provide the basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.