前额叶皮层(Prefrontal Cortex)机能的实验性研究,在1935年已经开始。Jacobsen首先观察到广泛切除动物的侧前额叶皮层,引起持久性的行为障碍。以后实验确定前额叶皮层主沟(Prncipal Sulcus)周围的中三分之一,是完成空间延缓反应(Spatial delayed response)中枢部位(Butte等1969)。久保田竟等1971记录了在延缓反应中该部位神经元的自发放电活动。动物在执行延缓反应的任务时,前额叶皮层神经元放电发生改变。以后又有人报导,给猴建立操作式条件反射,同时记录前额叶皮层的自发放电,实验证明该部位与动物的暂时记忆、注意以及学习等心理活动有重要关系。
An experimental study of the prefrontal Cortex function has begun in 1935. Jacobsen first observed extensive excision of the lateral prefrontal cortex in animals, causing persistent behavioral disturbances. Later experiments to determine the median one third of the periphery of the prefrontal cortex main groove (Prncipal Sulcus) is to complete the Spatial delayed response center (Butte et al 1969). Kubota actually waited 1971 to record the spontaneous firing activity of neurons in this site during the delay reaction. When the animal performs the task of delaying the response, the discharge of the prefrontal cortex neurons changes. It was later reported that the monkey to establish operational conditioning, while recording the spontaneous discharge of the prefrontal cortex, the experimental results show that the site and the animal’s temporary memory, attention and learning and other psychological activities have an important relationship.