1.低温问题的存在:当日平均温降至20℃以下,水稻就可能受到伤害,但要看是在什么生育阶段。冷害不仅在温带发生,热带的高海拔地方及旱季稻作亦有。据报导,水稻发生冷害的国家包括澳大利亚、孟加拉国、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗、日本、朝鲜、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、斯里兰卡、美国及苏联。 2.冷害的类型:常见的冷害现象有妨害种子发芽、延迟出苗、株形矮小、叶色褪淡、穗尖退化、穗子伸出不全、抽穗期延迟、不实率增高及成熟不正常。其中不实率增高、延迟抽穗及成熟不正常,在许多国家常有发生。
1. The existence of low temperature problems: the average temperature dropped to 20 ℃ the following day, rice may be harmed, but depends on what stage of fertility. Cold damage occurs not only in temperate zones but also in tropical high altitude areas and in dry season paddy fields. Countries that reported chilling injury in rice include Australia, Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, North Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, the United States and the Soviet Union. 2. The type of chilling damage: Common chilling injury has hindered seed germination, delayed emergence, short stature, leaf color faded, spike tip degradation, incomplete extension of the ear, heading delay, false positive rate and maturity is not normal. Among them, the unfounded rate increased, delayed heading and maturity were abnormal, which often happened in many countries.