何首乌,在晋代已有应用,但医药书籍的记载则首见于唐《何首乌传》,名首乌,宋代《日华子本草》始名何首乌。为蓼科植物何首乌polygonum multiflorumThunb的块根,味甘、苦、涩,性微温。归肝、心、肾经。为补肝肾、益精血之佳品。常用于肝肾阴虚,精血不足之头目眩晕、心悸失眠、须发早白等;并能截疟,为久疟伤阴、日久不愈之必用药;且能润燥通
Polygonum multiflorum has application in the Jin Dynasty, but medical books are first recorded in the “Polygonum multiflorum”, the first name Uzbekistan, “Song of the Japanese Materia Medica” began Polygonum. Polygonum polygonum polygonatum polyflorumThunb for the root, sweet, bitter, astringent, mild tepid. Liver, heart, kidney. To fill the liver and kidney, the essence of fine blood products. Commonly used in liver and kidney, blood deficiency head dizzy, palpitations insomnia, premature white hair, etc .; and can cut off malaria, long malaria, overcast, must medication;