20 0 4年 6月 2 8日 ,由中国人民大学与韩国高丽大学共同主办的“中韩 2 1世纪学术论坛”在北京凯宾斯基饭店举行。开幕式上 ,中国人民大学纪宝成校长与韩国高丽大学鱼允大校长分别代表中韩两国向与会代表致词。纪宝成校长在致词中说 ,“全世界都在关注持续发展的东北亚地区 ,
On June 28, 2008, the “China-South Korea 2 1 Century Academic Forum” co-hosted by Renmin University of China and Korea Korea University was held at the Kempinski Hotel in Beijing. At the opening ceremony, President Ji Bao Cheng of Renmin University of China and President Yu Yunyun of Korea University of Korea made speeches on behalf of China and South Korea. In his speech, President Ji Baocheng said: "The world is paying attention to the sustainable development of Northeast Asia,