日本在奈良时代就有类似地方志的编纂 ,如地记、风土记等 ,内容包括行政区划归属、地方物产名目、山川、土地、原野等内容。日本的地方史志编纂有悠久的历史和深厚的社会基础。进入 2 0世纪后 ,几乎每个行业、企业都编有年鉴 ,各种类型年鉴大量涌现。为了保存乡土资料 ,加深町、村人民对本地乡土情况的了解 ,各地纷纷组织专家学者和町村有识之士编纂町村史志。日本的经验和做法给了我们很多有益的启示。
Japan in the Nara period there is a similar compilation of local history, such as Diary, Terroir, etc., including the administrative division of ownership, local property names, mountains, land, wilderness and so on. Japan’s local history has a long history of compiling and a profound social foundation. Since the 20th century, almost every industry and enterprise has compiled annuals and various types of yearbooks have emerged in large numbers. In order to preserve the local information and deepen the understanding of local and local people in the towns and villages, experts and scholars from all over the country and well-informed professionals from the prefectural and township governments have been compiled to compile the history of the towns and villages. Japan’s experience and practices have given us many useful enlightenments.