Patient, female, 25 years old, farmer. Due to dizziness and right ear hearing decreased 2 months, the right side of the numbness and walking instability for 1 month, on August 13, 1985 admitted. Since the onset, no fever, cough and hemoptysis, an early age living in Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Province, rural areas, even eating raw crabs. Physical examination: Consciousness, cervical neck resistance, rapid tremor of both eyes toward the left level, right corneal reflex disappeared, the right facial tenderness decreased. Liulv eyesight difficult to fall to the right, no pathological reflex. Thorax no abnormalities, cerebrospinal fluid pressure 50mmH2O, red blood cells 06 / mm ~ 3, white blood cells 0 / mm ~ 3, protein, sugar, chloride normal. Head CT examination: Right cerebellopontine angle 2 × 3cm uneven density shadow, and see a 0.8cm diameter lesions, the left ventricular 4 about 0.5cm. Right cerebellopontine angle lesion removal wood. Pathological examination for parasite granuloma, body structure