最近国外有人利用可逆反应 CuSO_4+4KBrK_2[CuBr_4]+K_2SO_4-Q 兰色无色绿色无色在架式幻灯机上演示浓度和温度对化学平衡移动的影响。我们改用大试管或烧杯进行演示,现象明显,效果良好。仪器和药品:
Recently, some people abroad have used the reversible reaction CuSO_4+4KBrK_2[CuBr_4]+K_2SO_4-Q blue colorless green colorless to demonstrate the effect of concentration and temperature on the chemical equilibrium movement on a rack slide projector. We use large test tubes or beakers for demonstrations. The phenomenon is obvious and the effect is good. Instruments and drugs: