【摘 要】
The existing local binary pattern (LBP) operators have several disadvantages such as rather long histograms,lower discrimination,and sensitivity to noise.Aiming at these problems,we propose the centra
【出 处】
Chinese Optics Letters
The existing local binary pattern (LBP) operators have several disadvantages such as rather long histograms,lower discrimination,and sensitivity to noise.Aiming at these problems,we propose the centralized binary pattern (CBP) operator.CBP operator can
An important aim in pattern recognition is to cluster the given shapes.This paper presents a shape recognition and retrieval algorithm.The algorithm first extracts the skeletal features using the medi
Performance analysis and test for passive radio frequency identification(RFID) system at ultra high frequency(UHF) band in free space and line-of-sight(LOS) indoor environments are conducted in this a
基于高速内联网落InfiniBand构建(IBA),采用分布式虚拟共亨内存(DVSM),利用Linux PC机群系统,根据地下水流动的有限差分模型MODFLOW,通过并行计算来模拟三维复杂几何形状的非均质各向异性地下孔隙介质含水系统的水流问题.对于给定的边值问题,计算出不同计算节点的加速比和效率.模拟结果显示,IBA可以通过远程直接内存访问(RDMA)和在硬件中自动运行的方式支持共亨内存进程,在D
A computer-aided method to design a hybrid layout-tree-shape planar flowlines is presented.In newtype flowshop layout,the common machines shared by several flowlines could be located together in funct
In this paper,a technique based on image pyramid and Bayes rule for reducing noise effects in unsupervised change detection is proposed.By using Gaussian pyramid to process two multitemporal images re
2009年11月12、13日两天,由《家庭影院技术》杂志与国际权威的视频认证机构ISF联合举办的视频认证培训课程在北京国家会议中心正式拉开帷幕。本次的认证课程同样分两天进行,同样由ISF创始人Joel Silver担任讲解,李广先生负责翻译。第一天以理论为主要内容,第二天则以实操为主,这种培训方式既充实又容易掌握。本次共有60位来自全国各地(包括香港、台湾等地),以及新加坡的影音从业人员参加了培训
小波变换能有效的去除高斯噪声,中值滤波能有效的去除脉冲噪声,两者结合可以更有效的去除高斯噪声和脉冲噪声的混合噪声.当医学图像去除混合噪声时,先进行中值滤波再进行小波去噪的方法优于先进行小波去噪后再进行中值滤波的方法,且去噪后图像视觉效果较好,而且图像均方误差(M SE)也较小.在图像去噪处理中这种方法具有实际应用价值.
Due to the need of rapid and sustainable development in China’s coastal zones, the high-resolution information theory using data mining technology becomes an urgent research focus. However, the tradit