浪漫主义绘画的经典代表作《梅杜萨之筏》,是法国著名浪漫主义画派的先驱者安德烈·泰奥多尔·籍里柯在26岁时创作的传世名作。安德烈·泰奥多尔·籍里柯,简称籍里柯(Theodore Gericault,1791年9月26日-1824年1月26日),生于法国鲁昂。籍里柯17岁时,曾和德拉克洛瓦一同在享有古典主义者大卫的高材生称誉的格罗(Baron Gros,1771年—1835年,法国浪漫派画家,以描写拿破仑军事生涯的历史画知名。)那里接受古典主义学院派的教育,同时两人也受到格罗作品中已经洋溢着浪漫激情的影
The classic masterpiece of Romanticism, The Raft of Medusa, is a masterpiece handed down by André Thyodor Jiriko, a pioneer of the famous romanticism school in France, at the age of 26. Andrei Theodore Jiriko, referred to as Theodore Gericault (September 26, 1791 - January 26, 1824), was born in Rouen, France. At the age of 17, Jaredko and Delacroix joined Baron Gros (1771 - 1835), a French romanticist painter, to portray Napoleon’s military history Well-known.) There to accept the classical school of education, while the two have also been works of Ge Luo has been filled with romantic passion