
来源 :大家健康(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongxiaohu123
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目的:对2013年安顺市手足口病流行病学特征进行分析。方法:对2013年安顺市手足口病的资料进行收集,并对其流行分部的特点进行分析,对结果进行整理统计。结果:1月发病者为34例,2月发病者为38例,3月发病者为125例,4月发病者为118例,5月发病者为51例,6月发病者为11例,7月发病者为15例,8月发病者为8例,9月发病者为7例,10月发病者为9例,11月发病者为10例,12月发病者26例。结论:本病多发于3、4月份,1-3岁儿童为主要发病人群,且男孩的发病率要明显高于女孩,感染病毒最多的为EV病毒。 Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of HFMD in Anshun City in 2013. Methods: The data of hand, foot and mouth disease in Anshun City in 2013 were collected, and the characteristics of its popular branches were analyzed, and the results were sorted out and statistically analyzed. Results: There were 34 cases in January, 38 cases in February, 125 cases in March, 118 cases in April, 51 cases in May, 11 cases in June, July incidence of 15 cases, 8 cases of onset in August, 9 cases of onset in September, 9 cases of onset in October, 10 cases of onset in November, 26 cases of onset in December. Conclusion: The disease occurs frequently in March and April, 1-3-year-old children as the main incidence of the crowd, and the incidence of boys was significantly higher than the girls, the most infected with EV virus.
背景帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)是第二大常见的神经退行性疾病,以黑质纹状体多巴胺含量减少,中脑黑质多巴胺神经元缺失为主要特征。目前,帕金森病的治疗主要是维持