一个时代有一个时代的精神文明,一个社会有一个社会的精神文明。精神文明总有着鲜明的时代特征。时代不同了,社会前进了,旧有的精神文明不能适应新的社会经济基础,便要有所抛弃,有所承继,有所革新,有所创造,建设起新时代的新的精神文明。 即以道德建设来说,中国封建社会奉为金科玉律的三纲六纪、四维五德,今天就绝对不能奉为圭臬,因为那种人以人身依附为前提的道德准则,不能与今天以公有制为主体的经济基础相适应。我们今天能要求做下级的和做子女的绝对地、无条件地服从上级和父母吗?假设有哪个上级和父母荒谬地要他
An era of spiritual civilization of an era, a society has a social spiritual civilization. Spiritual civilization always has a distinctive characteristics of the times. Times are different and society advances. When the old spiritual civilization can not adapt to the new social and economic foundation, we must abandon it, inherit it, reform something, create it, and build a new spiritual civilization in a new era. In moral construction, the three guidelines, six principles and four dimensions and five virtues of the Chinese feudal society as the golden rule are absolutely not to be regarded as the precepts of this day because the code of ethics based on personal attachment can not be compared with today’s system of public ownership Economic base to adapt. Can we ask today to do subordinates and children absolutely and unconditionally obey superiors and parents? Suppose there is a superior and his parents absurdly want him