
来源 :哲学堂 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwfkl
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哲学史是人类的思想宝库,它荟萃百家、尽现人类智慧精华。然而长以来,我们对哲学史的解读和评价存在着简单化、绝对化、模式化的不良倾向,形成了“唯物-唯心”、真理-错误、“进步-反动”的二元模式。在这种僵化模式中,唯心主义被扭曲了,被当成只配批判和抛弃的东西。这既不符合经典作家的一贯思想和哲学发展的史实,也有悖学术批判的科学态度和求实精神。唯心主义有缺陷是肯定的,但也并非全是谬误,其中不乏合理的因素和成分,也曾对哲学的发展和进步起过积极的作用。因此,科学解读、合理评价和“扬弃”唯心主义,不仅有利于恢复哲学史的本来面目,而且也是完整地准确地理解、坚持和发展马克思主义哲学的题中应有之意。 The history of philosophy is the treasure house of human thought, which brings together hundreds of talents and makes the best of human wisdom. However, since the long time ago, there exists a tendency of simplification, absoluteness and moderation in the interpretation and evaluation of the history of philosophy, forming a dual mode of “materialism - idealism”, truth - error, and “progress - reactionary”. In this rigid model, idealism is distorted and treated as merely a matter of criticism and abandonment. This does not accord with the historical facts of the classical thought and philosophical development of classical writers as well as the scientific attitude and realistic spirit contrary to academic criticism. The defects of idealism are affirmative, but they are not all fallacies. Many of them are plausible factors and components and have played an active role in the development and progress of philosophy. Therefore, scientific interpretation, reasonable appraisal and “abandonment” of idealism are not only conducive to the restoration of the original appearance of the history of philosophy, but also the meaning of complete and accurate understanding, persistence and development of Marxist philosophy.