
来源 :现代经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjuekenan
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近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,人们越来越追求生活品质的提高。因此‘低碳经济’也开始渐渐被人们重视起来,如何在保护环境节约能源的情况下保持经济发展的速度成为了各国关注的焦点。基于此,笔者将以低碳经济对国际贸易的影响作为切入点来具体分析一下中国如发展低碳经济的对策,望借此文对以后研究和学习者提供一些可取经验。 In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy, people are increasingly pursuing the improvement of quality of life. Therefore, the “low-carbon economy” has also gradually begun to be taken seriously by people. How to maintain the pace of economic development while conserving the environment and saving energy has become the focus of attention of all countries. Based on this, I will take the impact of low-carbon economy on international trade as an entry point to analyze China’s development strategy of low-carbon economy in the hope of providing some desirable experience for future research and learners.