漫长的暑假正是出游的好时机。而每当说起旅行,人们马上想到的是“去哪里”,更关心的是“怎么玩”,没有太多人会想过这些问题:“为什么我要旅行?”或“我在旅程中想寻觅什么?”本期带来的原声材料改编自《旅行的艺术》(The Art of Travel)这本著名的旅游智慧书,由作家本人为我们讲述他对旅游的别样思考—
On Board: Disppointment on Holiday
1)The QE2 was even more beautiful than I’d imagined. Everything was exactly as the 2)brochure had promised. But there was one thing that wasn’t as I’d hoped, though this wasn’t something I could complain to anyone about.
I’d been 3)desperate to visit Barcelona for over 15 years. But as I watched my fellow passengers lining up for the city tours, I suddenly changed my mind. I decided to stay on board The QE2.
Sometimes, when we’re sitting at home before we actually travel, looking through the brochure, that we enjoy travel in its purest and perhaps even best form. Maybe one of the most 4)naive things we can do to a place we dream of is actually to go there.
This ship is an extraordinary machine for pleasure. Every desire that you might have can be fulfilled here. And yet, for me, the feeling is, “What am I doing here? Is this fun? Am I having a good time? And if not, what’s wrong with me?”
We tend to travel with a material understanding of happiness ?that is, that the better the surroundings, the weather, the food, the 5)linen, the happier we will be. But happiness is an 6)unpredictable creature that may not show up when it should.
We misunderstand what 7)holds up our moods. We’re sad at home and blame the weather and the 8)drabness of our surroundings forgetting that, even in 9)idyllic settings, we’re 10)prone to 11)collide with emotional icebergs. Disappointment on holiday reminds us that the key 12)ingredients of happiness are never material or 13)aesthetic, but always, 14)stubbornly, 15)psychological. Wherever we choose to go, we’re 16)apt to come up against the 17)inevitable gap between our dreams and the reality. But, once we accept that, we’re on the road to recovery.
At Destination: Meaning of 18)Exotic
One of the things we tend to look for when we travel is somewhere exotic.
Though there tend to be some pretty 19)stock associations around the word “exotic,”in fact you can find almost anything exotic, depending on where you come from and what your tastes are. I remember this 20)came home to me one day when I was flying back to London from a holiday I’d had in Egypt, and I was sitting next to an Egyptian man and chatting to him on the flight. And, as we were coming into land at Heathrow, we looked out the window, and it was a typical English summer’s day ?very dark grey skies and 21)somber green fields ?and I apologized to my companion and said, “You know, I’m really sorry about the conditions on the ground.”And he said, “No, no, no. This is all incredibly exotic to me!”And I thought, “But of course it is……”If you come from a land of sand and pyramids, a typical English summer’s day is 22)liable to be extremely exotic. And I think that takes us right to the heart of a central issue in travel. You can learn a lot about a person by asking them, “What’s the country that you find exotic?”
What we find exotic abroad may be what we hunger for 23)in vain at home.
At Home: Everyday Traveler
It can be depressing to come home from a holiday. Suddenly, it’s as if we’ve never been away. Home is 24)routine, 25)boredom, misery, and meetings, whereas abroad was fun, sexy, confident and bright, which is actually rather strange when you think about it.
Imagine the average aeroplane 26)descending towards the average city. Let’s say that half the people on board are returning home ?they’re sad, depressed, it’s the end of the holidays ?back to 27)gloomy old home. But the other half, the other set of passengers, are going to somewhere new ?they’ve never been there; they’re incredibly excited, looking forward to discovering it. Yet the 28)paradox is that these two sets of passengers are going to exactly the same place. And that points us to something rather important about travel, that maybe what makes a good traveler, what makes a fulfilled traveler, has less to do with a particular destination that you’re going to, and much more to do with your attitude towards it ?much more to do with the way that you’re looking at what you’ve come to see.
Perhaps it doesn’t really matter where we choose to go in the end. The pleasure we 29)derive from journeys will always depend more on the 30)outlook with which we travel than the places we travel to. There’s such a thing as a traveler’s attitude ?an attitude of 31)curiosity and 32)receptivity to whatever captures our imagination. Armed with such an attitude, we might find the most unpromising sounding of destinations or even our own backyards, becoming no less interesting than the butterfly-filled jungles of South America. You might learn to become travelers around our everyday lives.
On Board: Disppointment on Holiday
1)The QE2 was even more beautiful than I’d imagined. Everything was exactly as the 2)brochure had promised. But there was one thing that wasn’t as I’d hoped, though this wasn’t something I could complain to anyone about.
I’d been 3)desperate to visit Barcelona for over 15 years. But as I watched my fellow passengers lining up for the city tours, I suddenly changed my mind. I decided to stay on board The QE2.
Sometimes, when we’re sitting at home before we actually travel, looking through the brochure, that we enjoy travel in its purest and perhaps even best form. Maybe one of the most 4)naive things we can do to a place we dream of is actually to go there.
This ship is an extraordinary machine for pleasure. Every desire that you might have can be fulfilled here. And yet, for me, the feeling is, “What am I doing here? Is this fun? Am I having a good time? And if not, what’s wrong with me?”
We tend to travel with a material understanding of happiness ?that is, that the better the surroundings, the weather, the food, the 5)linen, the happier we will be. But happiness is an 6)unpredictable creature that may not show up when it should.
We misunderstand what 7)holds up our moods. We’re sad at home and blame the weather and the 8)drabness of our surroundings forgetting that, even in 9)idyllic settings, we’re 10)prone to 11)collide with emotional icebergs. Disappointment on holiday reminds us that the key 12)ingredients of happiness are never material or 13)aesthetic, but always, 14)stubbornly, 15)psychological. Wherever we choose to go, we’re 16)apt to come up against the 17)inevitable gap between our dreams and the reality. But, once we accept that, we’re on the road to recovery.
At Destination: Meaning of 18)Exotic
One of the things we tend to look for when we travel is somewhere exotic.
Though there tend to be some pretty 19)stock associations around the word “exotic,”in fact you can find almost anything exotic, depending on where you come from and what your tastes are. I remember this 20)came home to me one day when I was flying back to London from a holiday I’d had in Egypt, and I was sitting next to an Egyptian man and chatting to him on the flight. And, as we were coming into land at Heathrow, we looked out the window, and it was a typical English summer’s day ?very dark grey skies and 21)somber green fields ?and I apologized to my companion and said, “You know, I’m really sorry about the conditions on the ground.”And he said, “No, no, no. This is all incredibly exotic to me!”And I thought, “But of course it is……”If you come from a land of sand and pyramids, a typical English summer’s day is 22)liable to be extremely exotic. And I think that takes us right to the heart of a central issue in travel. You can learn a lot about a person by asking them, “What’s the country that you find exotic?”
What we find exotic abroad may be what we hunger for 23)in vain at home.
At Home: Everyday Traveler
It can be depressing to come home from a holiday. Suddenly, it’s as if we’ve never been away. Home is 24)routine, 25)boredom, misery, and meetings, whereas abroad was fun, sexy, confident and bright, which is actually rather strange when you think about it.
Imagine the average aeroplane 26)descending towards the average city. Let’s say that half the people on board are returning home ?they’re sad, depressed, it’s the end of the holidays ?back to 27)gloomy old home. But the other half, the other set of passengers, are going to somewhere new ?they’ve never been there; they’re incredibly excited, looking forward to discovering it. Yet the 28)paradox is that these two sets of passengers are going to exactly the same place. And that points us to something rather important about travel, that maybe what makes a good traveler, what makes a fulfilled traveler, has less to do with a particular destination that you’re going to, and much more to do with your attitude towards it ?much more to do with the way that you’re looking at what you’ve come to see.
Perhaps it doesn’t really matter where we choose to go in the end. The pleasure we 29)derive from journeys will always depend more on the 30)outlook with which we travel than the places we travel to. There’s such a thing as a traveler’s attitude ?an attitude of 31)curiosity and 32)receptivity to whatever captures our imagination. Armed with such an attitude, we might find the most unpromising sounding of destinations or even our own backyards, becoming no less interesting than the butterfly-filled jungles of South America. You might learn to become travelers around our everyday lives.