推进绿色崛起 建设生态文明先行示范区——省委书记强卫在省委十三届十一次全会开幕时的讲话精彩摘登

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继续延续良好发展态势今年以来,全省上下深入学习贯彻习近平总书记参加江西代表团审议时的重要讲话精神,认真贯彻“一个希望、三个着力”重要要求,深入实施十六字方针,狠抓各项工作任务落实,取得了经济社会发展新成效。社会经济保持平稳健康较快发展,精准 Since the beginning of this year, the province has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the deliberations of the Jiangxi delegation, conscientiously implemented the important requirements of “one hope and three efforts,” deeply implemented the 16-line principle, Pay close attention to the implementation of various tasks and made new achievements in economic and social development. Social economy to maintain a steady and healthy development of faster, accurate