7月6日晚,由国家环保总局和意大利环境与领土部主办的“中意环境周”闭幕式暨“意大利之夜”文化活动在北京清华大学举行。国家环保总局副局长祝光耀、意大利环境与领土部部长斯卡尼奥、意大利驻华大使孟凯蒂、清华大学校长顾秉林等人出席闭幕式。而由中意环境周组委会、意大利对外贸易委员会、清华大学等联合举办的“意大利之夜”时装展演活动成为最火爆的内容,包括清华大学美术学院,意大利品牌MISSONI SPORT、GAS、PAOLO FRANI在内的风格各异的时装,在清华大学掀起了时尚的热潮。
On the evening of July 6, the closing ceremony of “Sino-Italian Environmental Week” and the “Night of Italy”, hosted by the State Environmental Protection Administration and the Italian Ministry of Environment and Territory, were held at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Zhu Guangyao, deputy director of the State Environmental Protection Administration, Scagno, Italy’s Minister of Environment and Territory, Mengkiti, Italian ambassador to China, and Gu Binglin, president of Tsinghua University, attended the closing ceremony. The “Italian Night” fashion show jointly organized by Sino-Italian Environmental Week Organizing Committee, Italian Trade Commission, Tsinghua University and etc. became the hottest content, including Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts, Italian brands MISSONI SPORT, GAS, PAOLO FRANI Within the different styles of fashion, Tsinghua University set off a fashion boom.