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  Bird watching is fast becoming a very popular sport amongst thepeople of America. In fact, statistics show that bird watchinghighly surpasses the number of people watching baseball andfootball games in North America.
  The most important part of successful bird watching is, of course, toget to where the birds are. Although this sounds obvious, many peoplewasie their time and energy at poor locations. Some people have the luckof watching birds in their backyards, while some need to search for spots.It is highly recommended to visit the National Wildlife Refuge to watchbirds, as there are many varieties of birds found there.
  Before embarking upon a quest for a location to watch birds, it isbetter to do some researching as to the varieties of birds that can be foundin that location. Although there are numerous species of birds around, onlya few species are found in specific locations. So with a little preparation, itwould be rather easy to identify bird species from one another. To watchthe birds, it is always better to have a great pair of binoculars, preferably apair with a built-in digital camera. Some binoculars also have the featurethat keeps your view from shaking, anti-fogging, low-light viewing andwide-view characteristics. Such a binocular will turn a mediocre experienceinto a great one! Practice putting your binoculars to target before actuallybird watching; birds are usually visible for only a few seconds, and thispractice leads to one becoming proficient.
  It is always better to take someone with you when bird watching, aslife is always better when shared. Not only will you be able to spend timewith someone you like, you may get alerted to the best sighting of the day.It is also better to pass the birding excitement to a child. The best part ofbird watching is that you, as the viewer, get to control your experience.The more prepared you are, the better the results. And finally, no birdwatcher is actually complete without a bird watching journal wherein youcan note all the findings of the day.
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