中国海军 亚丁湾护航编队模型制作

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背景说明2008年12月至今,中国海军在亚丁湾执行护航任务已两年有余,先后共派遣8批次舰艇参与索马里海域反海盗的护航任务。自此,中国海军在索马里的护航常态化体现了大国海军的重要地位。2010年上半年,不少媒体对中国远洋护航舰船展开了热议。就如何降低成本,节约海军资源,同时又圆满完成护航任务提出了很多建设性的意见。如用低成本的商船改装成军舰的方法和国家执法舰船来替换现行高成本的通用型驱逐舰和远洋型护卫舰参与护航任务;考虑适当建造远洋型低配置巡逻舰去完成亚丁湾护航任务等等。2011年3月,由于利比亚国内产生骚乱,执行第七批护航任务的“徐州”号(舷号530)导弹护卫舰去北非海域为接送从利比亚撤离我国侨民的商船进行护航。“徐州”舰是国产新 Background Description Since December 2008, the Chinese navy has carried out more than two years of escort missions in the Gulf of Aden. It dispatched a total of eight batches of ships to escort anti-piracy escort in Somalia. Since then, the normalization of the escort of the Chinese navy in Somalia has shown the important position of the navy in the big powers. In the first half of 2010, many media launched a heated debate over China’s ocean-going escort vessels. They have put forward many constructive suggestions on how to reduce costs, save naval resources and at the same time satisfactorily complete escort missions. Such as the use of low-cost conversion of merchant ships into warships and national law enforcement ships to replace the existing high-cost general-purpose destroyers and ocean-going frigates in escort tasks; consider the appropriate construction of ocean-based low profile patrol vessels to complete the Gulf of Aden escort missions and so on . In March 2011, the “Xuzhou” (530) missile frigate that carried out the seventh escort mission in Libya was escorted to Libya for the evacuation of merchant vessels that expatriate our countrymen from Libya due to internal disturbances in Libya. “Xuzhou ” ship is a new domestic
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