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  With another anime season coming to its end, our Anime Chefs bring you a selected menu of some of this summer’s best anime. With a rather large disparity[悬殊] in taste, we’re included the Special Paste[酱] of Chefs?Reviews in each dish as well. Discovering great dishes is one of the biggest pleasures for fans. At times like these, menus help us realize why we are so addicted[上瘾] to anime: there’s always hope for greater series to come!
   Aperitif: BACCANO!
  It is the year 1711. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean are a group of alchemists[炼金术士], headed for the new world. They obtained an alcohol from the devil. Those who drank it would become immortal[不死的], and could only be destroyed by being absorbed[吸收] into another immortal’s right hand.
  Fast forward to 1930, and to a train full of freaks[怪人] leaving Chicago. An immortal alchemist from New York sets out to revive[复苏] the magic alcohol. Along the way, many get involved, their lives never to be the same.
  Onmi: Based on a novel that won gold at the 9th Dengeki Novel Prize Awards, the series features a really good production team and some famous seiyuu. This one tops my must-watch list!
  Seleria: I read the description and my eyes just went wide with joy. The Prohibition Era注1 meets alchemy? Sign me up! It sounds somehow……riginal.
  Usagi: I like the America-in-the-30s style, as well as the illustrations[插画] of the novel which the anime is based on. The anime quality also turns out to be as good as I expected.
  Main Dish: ZOMBIE-LOAN
  As one approaches the end of his life, a gray line, invisible[不可见的] to most, would appear around his neck. As time passes, that ring becomes darker and darker, until it is eventually black, and that person dies. Michiru Kita has an unusual gift. Her “Shinigami Eyes”(the Death’s Eyes) allow her to see these rings. When Michiru notices that two of her classmates-Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana-have these black rings, they tell her that they were supposed to die in an accident six months ago. However, they were given a second chance on one condition: they have to kill malicious[邪恶的] zombies to pay for their debt of coming back to life. As the story develops, Michiru, who is forced to assist the boys’work, finds her life changing dramatically[戏剧性地].
  Onmi: My initial[首先的] response was, “Another series with shinigami? There really is no creativity left in Japan, is there?”However, the story actually turns out to be quite different from Bleach or Death Note, so never mind……
  Seleria: A mainstream story with nice artwork……no bad, as a whole. But the even better part is that the series successfully blends[混入] in some humor amidst the rather dark theme.
  Usagi: I love the tension[紧张感] that’s built step by step as the story goes, in addition to all those elements adding complexity to the characters?relationships.
  Dessert: Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei (Farewell Sad Teacher)
  The name for this series comes from the Japanese word for“despair,”and the main character’s name-Nozomu Itoshiki-can be interpreted[理解] that way if you write it horizontally[水平地]. As his name suggests, our hero is a teacher with a very negative attitude towards life. The story opens up with him trying to hang himself before getting saved by one of his students, who thinks her teacher is just trying to get taller?Onmi: The anime is full of puns[双关语] and jokes. This probably means that those who like Gintama注2 will have a good chance of enjoying this one, too.
  Seleria: Just the trailer[预告片] is enough for tugging[拉] my heartstrings[心弦]! It’s a great story of turning despair into hope with some comedy sprinkled[洒] in between.
  Usagi: The art is attractive. The show also has a slice-of-life[如实反映生活] feel, though in a really funny way.

  餐前酒:《BACCANO! 》
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詹姆士·霍格(1770-1835),苏格兰诗人。霍格以善于表现大自然的乡土气息和活力著称。本诗意境优美,读来琅琅上口,令人回味无穷。    Where the pools are bright and deep,   Where the grey trout[鲑鱼] lies asleep,  Up the river and o'er[即over] the lea[草地],  That’s th