日本江户后期著名学者冈本保孝《韵镜考》(1850前后),以构建“本体”《韵镜》学框架为基本目的 ,与文雄等区分汉音、吴音、华音,借《韵镜》而阐发自己的“汉字音史”观念不同。本文从著录、版本源流、“开合”和《七音略》“重轻”、音系性质、十六通摄来源及应用、十六通摄与日本假名文字定格等方面看《韵镜考》“本体”《韵镜》学的体系特征。《韵镜考》对后代学者,比如黑川春树《音韵考证》(1862)、冈井慎吾《〈韵镜〉学书目》系列论文(1903-1904)、大矢透《韵镜考》(1924)、冈井慎吾《日本汉字学史》(1935)、马渊和夫《〈韵镜〉校本》(1954)等著作产生了十分重要的影响。开创了“本体”文献《韵镜》学新范式。
Japan’s late Edo scholars Okamoto Paul “Yun mirror test” (before and after 1850), to build “noumenon ” “Yun mirror” learning framework as the basic purpose, with the hero and so distinguish Han, Wu Yin, China by “Yun mirror” and elucidate their “sound history of Chinese characters ” different ideas. This article from the description, version of the source, “opening and closing ” and “seven tone” “light ”, the nature of the phonetic system, source and application of the 16 pass, 16 photos and Japanese katakana freeze The System Features of “Yun Mirror Test” “Ontology ” and “Yun Mirror”. “Yun mirror test” for future generations of scholars, such as Kurokawa Haruki “phonological textual research” (1862), Jingjing Jingwu “ Series of Papers (1903-1904) ), Jingjing Jingwu ”History of Chinese Character History“ (1935), Ma Yuan and husband ”School“ (1954) and other works have had a very important impact. Opened a ”body “ literature ”Yunjing" learn a new paradigm.