观赏甜菜也称红叶甜菜(Beta Vulgaris.Dracenifolia),是叶用甜菜的一个变种,属于藜科甜菜属,是近几年国外育种工作者从株形、色泽以及风味、品质等方面入手育出的新品种。其叶柄红色,叶片大呈紫红色或绿色,非常艳丽,极具有观赏价值,是近年来园林绿化的新型种类。观赏甜菜不但可在整个生长季露地栽培,而且还可于初冬早春时,在花坛或花境内与羽衣甘兰配合进行种植。其块根颜色紫红,色素含量高,无毒副作用,
Ornamental beet, also known as Beta Vulgaris.Dracenifolia, is a variety of leaf beet belonging to the genus Chenopodiaceae. It has been bred abroad in recent years by the breeders in terms of plant shape, color, flavor and quality New varieties. Its petiole red, purple or green leaves, very beautiful, very ornamental value, is a new type of landscape in recent years. Ornamental beets not only can be cultivated throughout the growing season, but also in the early winter in early spring, in the flower beds or flowers with collard for planting. Its root color purple, high pigment content, non-toxic side effects,