J-BERT M8020A的全新功能可简化高速数字接收机表征是德科技公司(NYSE:KEYS)日前宣布,推出集成可调节码间干扰(ISI)功能的J-BERT M8020A高性能比特误码率测试仪。当工程师表征高速数字接收机以及测试其一致性时,通常需要仿真一定程度的通道损耗。最新的可调节和可编程ISI功能使工程师可以仿真这种通道损耗。该功能集成在J-BERT M8020A的每一个码型发生器通道中,因此无需连接外部电缆和切换外部ISI轨迹,使测试的设置步骤
New Features of the J-BERT M8020A Simplify High-Speed Digital Receiver Characterization Today Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) announces the J-BERT M8020A High-Performance Bit Error Rate Tester with Integrated Inter-Selective Interference (ISI) . When engineers characterize high-speed digital receivers and test their consistency, it is often necessary to simulate some degree of channel loss. The latest adjustable and programmable ISI features allow engineers to simulate this channel loss. This feature is integrated into each of the J-BERT M8020A’s pattern generator channels, eliminating the need to connect external cables and switch external ISI traces so that the test setup steps