1病例报告患者男,30岁。平素体健,无基础疾病。参加特种兵极限体能训练第5天突然倒地,神志不清,即送卫生队就诊。查体:BP 95/55mmHg,P 136/min,R 28次/min,T 39.6℃。神志模糊,心、肺、腹及神经系统检查未见明显异常。诊断为热射病,给予卧床休息、物理降温、补液等对症治疗后神志转清,留卫生队观察。患者持续发热,最高体温达40.1℃,次日晨起出现双下肢酸痛,并发现尿液呈浓茶色,双小腿肿胀且疼痛明显,遂转诊至
1 case report patient male, 30 years old. Usually physical health, no underlying diseases. Participate in the special forces extreme physical training Day 5 suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious, that is sent to the health team. Examination: BP 95/55 mmHg, P 136 / min, R 28 times / min, T 39.6 ° C. Ambiguity, heart, lung, abdomen and nervous system examination showed no obvious abnormalities. Diagnosed as heat-ray disease, given bed rest, physical cooling, rehydration and other symptomatic treatment of consciousness clear, stay in the health team observation. Patients continued to fever, the highest body temperature reached 40.1 ℃, the next morning morning appeared in both lower extremity pain, and found urine was dark brown, double leg swelling and pain was obvious, then referral to