成簇癫痫发作是癫痫患者尤其是耐药性癫痫患者中常见的临床现象,与患者平常的发作频率、持续时间、发作类型等不同,其发作后精神障碍、癫痫持续状态和病死率较一般癫痫发作高,严重影响癫痫患者及护理人员的生活质量。目前关于成簇癫痫发作的发病机制、诊断标准及治疗原则尚不明确。本文以“seizure cluster”“acute repitetive seizures”及“成簇癫痫发作”作为关键词,检索“Pubmed”“万方医学”及“中国知网”数据库1990—2019年的相关文献,对目前关于成簇发作的定义、患病率、危险因素、癫痫灶定位、潜在机制及目前的治疗意见等做一综述,以期医护人员更清晰地认识及科学地处理成簇癫痫发作,降低成簇癫痫发作患者癫痫持续状态及其他严重并发症的发生率,提高患者及护理人员的整体生活质量。“,”Seizure cluster (SC) is a common clinical phenomenon in patients with epilepsy, which was reported to be associated with post-ictal psychosis, status epilepticus, and increased risk of death, with a negative impact on the quality of life of patients and caregivers, but the diagnostic criteria, management principles and pathogenesis of SC are still unclear.“seizure cluster” “acute repitetive seizures” and “cluster seizures” were used to search the relevant literatures in the databases of “Pubmed” “Wanfang Medicine” and “China Knowledge Network” from 1990 to 2019. The definitions, prevalence, risk factors, consequences, possible mechanism, and current management methods of seizure clusters were summaried in this article, to help health care professionals and patients gain a clearer understanding of SC.