The essence of corruption in administrative power is an act of public officials serving the interests of the individual by using the power granted by the people. Such acts are widespread throughout China and become a social phenomenon, arousing more and more disgust and resentment from the public. At present, our country is in the critical period of social and economic transformation. If we fail to effectively curb the corruption of administrative power, the phenomenon of corruption will become more and more rampant. This trend will intensify and seriously erode the fairness, justice and serious damage to society The image of the ruling party, reducing the government’s credibility, and even affect economic growth. The causes of corruption are historical, cultural and institutional. To curb the corruption of administrative power more can not be resolved overnight. We need to deepen the reform of the administrative system, improve the system of state administrative oversight, establish an early warning mechanism against corruption, strengthen the building of a clean government and the enhancement of the cultural qualifications of public officials.